* Yay, Jeff Sessions has done the bare minimum necessary. [CNN]
* What does Jeff Sessions think the standard is for lying under oath? [Slate]
* Ho, ho, ho. This piece from 2007 by Neal Katyal about independent counsel regulations is particularly salient. [New York Times]
* No matter what this Iowa Republican tells you, Sizzler (yes, the restaurant) does not run a real university. [Salon]
* Florida's still cool with open carry law. Shocker. Correction: Florida Supreme Court upheld the BAN on open carry. I truly need more sleep, apologies. [Volokh Conspiracy]
* Shhhhhh. It's gonna be a secret law. [Huffington Post]
* Now the real question: who's next? [Law and More]
* The judge from the Casey Anthony case has some theories... [Jezebel]