* A Magic Circle firm sees two New York banking partners disappear. [Big Law Business]
* A Biglaw partner cuts a deal with the SEC over allegations that he acted as a conduit for improper campaign donations, paying $95,000 and admitting no wrongdoing. [ABA Journal]
* Being general counsel of Uber is a fascinating job because the company constantly confronts legal and regulatory issues -- the latest being a Justice Department probe into its "Greyball" software tool. [New York Times]
* An interesting interview by Casey Sullivan of Hogan Lovells partner Neal Katyal, now tied with Thurgood Marshall as the minority lawyer with the most Supreme Court arguments. [Big Law Business via How Appealing]
* A preview of next week's argument in the Trump travel ban case before the en banc Fourth Circuit (down a member because Judge J. Harvie Wilkinson is the father-in-law of acting solicitor general Jeffrey Wall, who's arguing the case). [Law.com]